NW2018 is open for Submissions

We are happy to announce the dates of the 11th Northern Wave International Film Festival 2018. The festival will be celebrated on the weekend of the 26th to the 28th of October 2018. The festival will be located in The Freezer theater in Rif in Snæfellsnes, Iceland. We are now open for submissions. Find all […]

Opið fyrir umsóknir

Það gleður okkur að tilkynna að Alþjóðlega stuttmyndahátíðin Northern Wave (Norðanáttin) verður haldin í ellefta sinn helgina 26. – 28. október næstkomandi í Frystiklefanum á Rifi. Við höfum nú opnað fyrir umsóknir en skilafrestur er til 1.júní næstkomandi. Öll umsóknareyðublöð má finna hér

Award winner NW17

Best Icelandic short film Munda directed by Tinna Hrafnsdóttir Best Icelandic music video Life as a wall by Jay Taylor directed by Thoracius Appotite Besta foreign film Odd & Maud(Norway) directed by Michael Axelsson(Sweden) Besti fish course Restaurant Langaholt, Snæfellsnes    

Verðlaunahafar NW17

Beta íslenska stuttmyndin Munda í leikstjórn Tinnu Hrafnsdóttur Besta tónlistarmyndbandið  Life as a wall eftir Jay Taylor í leikstjórn Thoracius Appotite Besta erlenda myndin Odd & Maud í leikstjórn Michael Axelsson(Svíþjóð) Besti fiskirétturinn Veitingastaðurinn Langaholt, Snæfellsnesi    

Honorary guests

MONICA LEE BELLAIS AND EDDA BJÖRGVINSDÓTTIR HONORARY GUESTS OF NORTHERN WAVE 2017 To celebrate our 10 year anniversary and to finally have reach a double digit number, we are proud to present our two powerhouse honorary guests, producer, writer and actress Monica Lee Bellais (U.S.A.) and Icelandic actress Edda Björgvinsdóttir. Edda Björvinsdóttir is one of Icelands most beloved […]


MONICA LEE BELLAIS OG EDDA BJÖRGVINSDÓTTIR HEIÐURSGESTIR NORTHERN WAVE 2017 Í tilefni af 10 ára afmæli hátíðarinnar ætlum við að fagna því að vera komin upp í tveggja stafa tölu með tveimur heiðursgestum.  Okkar ástsæla leikkona Edda Björgvinsdóttir og bandaríski kvikmyndaframleiðandinn og leikkonan Monica Lee Bellais eru heiðursgestir hátíðarinnar í ár. Laugardaginn 28. október mun […]

Official selection 2017

At this years festival we have selected 32 international short films, 20 icelandic short films and 14 icelandic music videos and 10 video art pieces. Check out our selection: Here you can find the Icelandic short film selection Here you can find the International short film selection and here is the selection of Icelandic music videos.

Myndir Northern Wave 2017

Á hátíðinni í ár verða sýndar 32 alþjóðlegar stuttmyndir, 20 íslenskar stuttmyndir og 14 íslensk tónlistarmyndbanda auk 10 mynbandsverka. Kynnið ykkur myndirnar. Hér er forval íslenskra mynda Hér er forval alþjóðlegra mynda. og hér er forval tónlistarmyndbanda.

International selection NW17

  INTERNATIONAL SELECTION Title Director Country Mutants Alexandre Dostie Canada Shelter in the North Mate Artur Vincze, Noemi Veronika Szakonyi Iceland With Thelma Ann Sirot & Raphaël Balboni Belgium All that remains Anne-Lise Morin Belgium Remember Me Fabrice Murgia Belgium Tinnitus François Chandelle Belgium The last dance of Walter Vintorp Claude Neuray Belgium WHEN I […]

Forval alþjóðlegra mynda NW17

  FORVAL ALÞJÓÐLEGRA MYND Titill Leikstjóri Land Mutants Alexandre Dostie Kanada Shelter in the North Mate Artur Vincze, Noemi Veronika Szakonyi Ísland With Thelma Ann Sirot & Raphaël Balboni Belgía All that remains Anne-Lise Morin Belgía Remember Me Fabrice Murgia Belgía Tinnitus François Chandelle Belgía The last dance of Walter Vintorp Claude Neuray Belgía WHEN […]

Do you need a lift to the festival?

Are you planing to come to our 10th birthday party? You definitely should consider it… It will undoubtibly be an exceptional cinematic experience!!! Meanwhile if you need a Car, we have been sponsored by https://atak.is/ Yay! 40% discount from web prices to festival goers and guests. Send us a mail to info@northernwavefestival.com-subjet: ATAK CAR for further […]

Vantar þig far á hátíðina?

Ekki missa af 10 ára afmæli Alþjóðlegu stuttmyndahátíðarinnar Northern Wave í Frystiklefanum á Rifi? Vantar þig kannski far? Atak.is ætlar að gefa öllum gestum hátíðarinnar 40% afslátt á öllum vefverðum á bílaleigubílum. Sendu okkur tölvupóst á info@northernwavefestival.com- subjet: ATAK CAR, ef þú hefur áhuga. Við hlökkum til að sjá þig!

Talent Incubator at Northern Wave

The incubator will be held at Sögumiðstöð in Grundarfjörður on Friday the 27th from 13.00pm to 19.00pm. The talent Incubator is a pilot program developed in collaboration with Wift Nordic, directed at filmmakers creating their first feature-length project (It can be a documentary, tv series or feature film project). The incubator will provide the participants with lectures and one […]

The festival is getting closer!

     The festival is getting closer. We present to you this years poster in 5 color versions. The poster is designed by the graphic designer Anna Aðalheiður Smáradóttir.  


Tíunda afmælishátíð Northern Wave hefur nú opnað fyrir umsóknir fyrir íslenskar stuttmyndir, tónlistarmyndbönd og nú í fyrsta sinn, íslensk vidjóverk. Skilafrestur fyrir íslenskar myndir hefur verið framlengdur til 17.september en 20 júlí fyrir alþjóðlegar stuttmyndir. Allar myndir verða að vera undir 305 mínútum og mega ekki vera eldri en frá árinu 2015. Við erum gríðarlega […]

NW2018 is open for submissions

We are happy to announce the dates of the 11th Northern Wave International Film Festival 2018. The festival will be celebrated on the weekend of the 26th to the 28th of October 2018. The festival will be located in The Freezer theater in Rif in Snæfellsnes, Iceland. We are now open for submissions. Find all […]

9th NW has come to an end

The 9th Northern Wave IFF came to an end this sunday.  The festival wants to thank the locals and the authorities in Snæfellsb for making the festival feel so welcome in their town. With the support of local companies the festival managed to set up a fully equipted cinema in The Freezer theatre that will continue […]

9. NW hátíðin á enda

9. Alþjóðlegu kvikmyndahátíðinni Northern Wave lauk um helgina.  Hátíðin vill þakka bæjarbúum og fyrirtækjum sem studdu hátíðina kærlega fyrir hlýjar móttökur í Snæfellsbæ. Með stuðningi fyrirtækja á svæðinu náði hátíðin í samstarfi við Frystiklefann, að setja upp hágæða kvikmyndahús sem verður áfram í Frystiklefanum og verður nýtt áfram fyrir kvikmynda- og leikhússýningar. Einstök og persónuleg […]

Lates news

The festival is coming up shortly and the program is starting to take it’s final shape. Here is the latest: A new projection screen  The festival has had an amazing reception in Snæfellsbær and with the help of the municipality of local companies the festival has been able to invest in a brand new projection […]